Earth, Sun, Water, and Moon
If you are signed up for my newsletter then you received a first look at the elements and signs I am working with this year. I painted the four pieces above to represent the essence of Earth, Sun, Water, and Moon.
I welcome you to go on this exploration with me. Use one of these four words as an anchor, or a port of call, for your rituals, meditations, and movements this year. When we put our practices in the context of symbolism and imagery, we may find new ways we can know ourselves. For example, when you allow “Sun” to guide your meditation, what do you notice? Are you able to access a warming or bright felt sense? This can be an interesting experiment for new beginners and seasoned practitioners.
Observe the evolution of your inquiries and then build on them. Commit to being with Earth, Sun, Water, or Moon for a while and kindle a relationship with one of these words before moving on. Saturate your being in the element or sign. Notice where and how it shows up in daily life — this is a way for you to divulge in the sacred.
Try a journaling practice and write about your experience at least one day a week; it is helpful to set an attainable timeline for yourself. In my experience, I do not like stringent rules, but also crave discipline. I pick a day or two out of the week that I know I generally have 30 to 60 minutes of free time and make that my time to go inward. Place something on an altar that represents your element or sign so you have a tangible totem for it. Paint, sketch, or watercolor a visual representation of your word using colors that come to mind and strokes that capture it’s energetic characteristics. If you love music, notice the sounds, melodies, beats, and rhythms that align with your chosen energy. Find what resonates with you and then use your creativity to connect. Connect with the element or sign itself and then connect it back to you. It doesn’t have to always look the same or be the same practice.
There are no rules for this exploration and you can go as deep as you are comfortable; no need to force this on yourself. This exploration is meant to be enjoyable. It is a way to grow deeper roots into your relationship with nature. Allow Earth, Sun, Water, and Moon to be your allies. In my experience, the folks most devoted to sacred energy are those who practice reverence daily; they have a deep respect accompanied by awe.
There is no expectation for this undertaking to be woven into every single thing you do. It is a chance to establish time to notice what changes occur in life when there are specific points of reference.
Note the descriptions below to help you get started.
Earth is both cold and dry made of soil, grass, wood, rock, sand, and salt.
Sun is a warming sign ruling how the world sees you on the outer layer.
Water is both cold and wet in the form of oceans, groundwater, rivers, lakes, blood, ice, and vapor.
Moon is a cooling sign ruling how you respond to the world on the inner layer.
I am curious to know what comes up for you, what questions you may have, or any feedback as we lay the foundation for this creative exploration to expand.